
Taormina: christmas 2018

Bed and Breakfast partner

Villa Valentina B&B is situated in Taormina countryside. Inside at 7.000 sqm of orange grove from where is possible reached the most important touristic places around Taormina.

Taormina like all the other villages in the surrounding areas such as Savoca, Forza d’Agrò, Giardini Naxos, Trappitello etc .. it was adorned with lights and festoons for Christmas 2018. To further enrich public streets is the presence of festoons made by merchants as well as the embellishment of shop windows with typical Christmas decorations. On November 29th, together with some friends we are, as they say in our country, climbed to Taormina for a walk and parked at the Catania gate. They choose Taormina every year in this period because of the Christmas atmosphere. Already from Piazza S. Antonio you can see the Corso Umberto full of lights suspended in the air between the side houses and the various trees placed in front of the shops. taormina porta catania foto taobook

Beyond the arch of Porta Catania, the first square you come to is that of the Duomo with the façade of the church of the same name crossed by lines of vertical lights.

taormina duomo con luci natalizie foto taobook

Looking around you can also see other facades of buildings decorated in the same way.

taormina 4 fontane foto taobook

The shop windows are another curiosity as everyone chooses to decorate them according to personal tastes and ideas so it is possible to see shop windows decorated in a traditional way and those decorated with a little more inspiration but always sober and elegant.

ormina vetrine a festa foto taobook

Beyond the clock tower, you will find yourself in front of a large illuminated Christmas tree that stands in Piazza IX Aprile. It is placed a basin with water games and surrounded by a small hill that forms a vegetable crown.

aormina albero di natale piazza 9 aprile foto taobook

Turning around for some photos you will see other buildings enriched with light that descend vertically on their facades.

taormina albero di natale piazza 9 aprile da torre orologio foto taobook

Continuing along the Corso Umberto you will come across a small shop where you can find Christmas decorations of particular value. The same store is enriched with festoons and lights of a certain elegance.

taormina vetrine a festa foto taobook

Near Porta Messina, you will come across other buildings, including Palazzo Corvaja, whose façades are marked by threads of light that descend vertically.

taormina palazzo corvaja adobbato a festa foto taobook

There is not only the Corso Umberto where you can enjoy the Christmas air just by entering all the other streets of the town to see other decorations and lights. Along the streets like Di Giovanni it is possible to see small religious prints or Christmas lights or special decorations. Another place to visit are the churches that, at this time, give their best.

taormina chiesa sant'antonio foto taobook

where there is the permanent crib that in this period, compared to the others, takes on a greater value.

taormina presepe permanente foto taobook

Remember that on the evening of the 24th, as happens in all the nearby villages, 2 bonfires will be lit, one in Piazza Duomo and one in Piazza Santa Caterina. An event that draws hundreds of people to Taormina.